28612 Connellys Springs North Carolina Foreclosed Homes and Cheap homes for sale

Find bank foreclosed homes, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 28612 Connellys Springs North Carolina foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. HUD maintains an extensive database of listings of recent 28612 Connellys Springs North Carolina foreclosure properties. Find bank foreclosed homes, pre foreclosure listings, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 28612 Connellys Springs North Carolina foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. There are many pre foreclosure listings in 28612 Connellys Springs North Carolina which give home buyers an opportunity to identify discounted property even before they are formally listed for sale.
23 results found
6125 Andria Ln Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 16126043
6125 Andria Ln, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 1,484 SF
140 Liberty St Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 14950394
140 Liberty St, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 1,630 SF
3678 Trail Lane Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 15384318
3678 Trail Lane, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 1,188 SF
6254 E Meadow Trl Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 14950384
6254 E Meadow Trl, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 2,022 SF
6148 Ashley Drive Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 13929235
6148 Ashley Drive, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 2,079 SF
No photo available - Image 17
1843 US 70 HIGHWAY, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 1,281 SF
7331 Ellis Hoyle Rd Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 10063852
7331 Ellis Hoyle Rd, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 1,056 SF
2716 Ethel St Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 16298410
2716 Ethel St, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 1,052 SF
1916 Emerson Court Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 11982794
1916 Emerson Court, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 1,296 SF
8548 Hollywood Drive Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 8151334
8548 Hollywood Drive, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 1,500 SF
2760 Warlicks Church Rd Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 2403015
2760 Warlicks Church Rd, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 996 SF
6704 Birdseye Ct Aka Lower Fork Ln Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 3819562
6704 Birdseye Ct Aka Lower Fork Ln, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 1,836 SF
2736 Fieldview Acres Dr Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 2641557
2736 Fieldview Acres Dr, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 972 SF
3477 Warlicks Church Rd Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 2641558
3477 Warlicks Church Rd, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 2,052 SF
6650 Birdseye Ct Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 2641559
6650 Birdseye Ct, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 1,512 SF
6133 Lower Fork Ln Connellys Springs, NC 28612 - Image 11366762
6133 Lower Fork Ln, Connellys Springs, NC 28612 Size: 1,052 SF

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