64465 Lathrop Missouri Foreclosed Homes and Cheap homes for sale

Find bank foreclosed homes, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 64465 Lathrop Missouri foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. HUD maintains an extensive database of listings of recent 64465 Lathrop Missouri foreclosure properties. Find bank foreclosed homes, pre foreclosure listings, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 64465 Lathrop Missouri foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. There are many pre foreclosure listings in 64465 Lathrop Missouri which give home buyers an opportunity to identify discounted property even before they are formally listed for sale.
15 results found
608 Whitcomb St Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 16536416
608 Whitcomb St, Lathrop, MO 64465 Size: 1,225 SF
5610 SE Meadow Ln Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 16498549
5610 SE Meadow Ln, Lathrop, MO 64465 Size: 1,248 SF
4888 SE Osage Dr Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 13732975
4888 SE Osage Dr, Lathrop, MO 64465 Size: 1,568 SF
402 Maple St Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 16537750
402 Maple St, Lathrop, MO 64465 Size: 1,103 SF
904 Plattsburg Stre Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 11115727
904 Plattsburg Stre, Lathrop, MO 64465 Size: 2,274 SF
409 Valley St Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 7491353
409 Valley St, Lathrop, MO 64465 Size: 1,464 SF
409 Valley St Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 3432621
409 Valley St, Lathrop, MO 64465 Size: 1,464 SF
500 Bohart St Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 3410798
500 Bohart St, Lathrop, MO 64465 Size: 1,080 SF
Pine Street Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 2600135
Pine Street, Lathrop, MO 64465
East Street Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 2553469
East Street, Lathrop, MO 64465
108 Maple St Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 3432620
108 Maple St, Lathrop, MO 64465 Size: 1,478 SF
10569 Sw Bowie Dr Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 3432622
10569 Sw Bowie Dr, Lathrop, MO 64465
No photo available - Image 17
113 Lisa Ave, Lathrop, MO 64465
215 Maple St Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 3432623
215 Maple St, Lathrop, MO 64465 Size: 1,332 SF
2429 SE 240th St Lathrop, MO 64465 - Image 3432624
2429 SE 240th St, Lathrop, MO 64465 Size: 1,248 SF