48184 Wayne Michigan Foreclosed Homes and Cheap homes for sale

Find bank foreclosed homes, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 48184 Wayne Michigan foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. HUD maintains an extensive database of listings of recent 48184 Wayne Michigan foreclosure properties. Find bank foreclosed homes, pre foreclosure listings, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 48184 Wayne Michigan foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. There are many pre foreclosure listings in 48184 Wayne Michigan which give home buyers an opportunity to identify discounted property even before they are formally listed for sale.
81 results found
No photo available - Image 17
34226 Harroun St, Wayne, MI 48184 Size: 1,310 SF
No photo available - Image 17
4047 3rd St, Wayne, MI 48184 Size: 1,070 SF
32420 Annapolis Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 5140157
32420 Annapolis, Wayne, MI 48184 Size: 1,332 SF
35205 Chestnut Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 5140156
35205 Chestnut, Wayne, MI 48184 Size: 1,725 SF
33947 Winslow Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 10974819
33947 Winslow, Wayne, MI 48184
4478 Adams Cir Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 5140160
4478 Adams Cir, Wayne, MI 48184 Size: 972 SF
35205 Chestnut Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 3640450
35205 Chestnut, Wayne, MI 48184 Size: 1,725 SF
4478 Adams Cir Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 3628877
4478 Adams Cir, Wayne, MI 48184 Size: 972 SF
32420 Annapolis Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 10974820
32420 Annapolis, Wayne, MI 48184 Size: 1,332 SF
33947 Winslow Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 2971917
33947 Winslow, Wayne, MI 48184
35007 Winslow St Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 2971919
35007 Winslow St, Wayne, MI 48184
4510 Mildred Street Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 2971922
4510 Mildred Street, Wayne, MI 48184 Size: 1,158 SF
34549 Norris St Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 2971920
34549 Norris St, Wayne, MI 48184
4307 3rd St Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 3597643
4307 3rd St, Wayne, MI 48184
4321 Columbus St Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 3178434
4321 Columbus St, Wayne, MI 48184 Size: 1,092 SF
34295 Stellwagen St Wayne, MI 48184 - Image 2919328
34295 Stellwagen St, Wayne, MI 48184 Size: 994 SF

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