48239 Redford Michigan Foreclosed Homes and Cheap homes for sale

Find bank foreclosed homes, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 48239 Redford Michigan foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. HUD maintains an extensive database of listings of recent 48239 Redford Michigan foreclosure properties. Find bank foreclosed homes, pre foreclosure listings, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 48239 Redford Michigan foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. There are many pre foreclosure listings in 48239 Redford Michigan which give home buyers an opportunity to identify discounted property even before they are formally listed for sale.
246 results found
9600 Beaverland Redford, MI 48239 - Image 9165890
9600 Beaverland, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 1,122 SF
15992 Winston Redford, MI 48239 - Image 11000577
15992 Winston, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 932 SF
9368 Winston Redford, MI 48239 - Image 10087491
9368 Winston, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 1,086 SF
No photo available - Image 17
9615 Winston, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 962 SF
9544 Nathaline Redford, MI 48239 - Image 11000578
9544 Nathaline, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 1,491 SF
No photo available - Image 17
15671 Pomona Dr, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 1,423 SF
25115 Midland Redford, MI 48239 - Image 10294648
25115 Midland, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 1,076 SF
14001 Salem Redford, MI 48239 - Image 4847131
14001 Salem, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 1,466 SF
No photo available - Image 17
26721 Glendale, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 1,026 SF
No photo available - Image 17
11721 Marion, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 1,098 SF
11716 Grayfield Redford, MI 48239 - Image 10554391
11716 Grayfield, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 1,544 SF
7270 Chatham Redford, MI 48239 - Image 10087492
7270 Chatham, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 825 SF
9535 Beaverland Redford, MI 48239 - Image 11093783
9535 Beaverland, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 1,075 SF
No photo available - Image 17
9550 Berwyn, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 1,045 SF
No photo available - Image 17
14134 San Jose, Redford, MI 48239 Size: 1,155 SF
11377 Fenton Redford, MI 48239 - Image 11233673
11377 Fenton, Redford, MI 48239

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