48071 Madison Heights Michigan Foreclosed Homes and Cheap homes for sale

Find bank foreclosed homes, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 48071 Madison Heights Michigan foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. HUD maintains an extensive database of listings of recent 48071 Madison Heights Michigan foreclosure properties. Find bank foreclosed homes, pre foreclosure listings, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 48071 Madison Heights Michigan foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. There are many pre foreclosure listings in 48071 Madison Heights Michigan which give home buyers an opportunity to identify discounted property even before they are formally listed for sale.
108 results found
No photo available - Image 17
27329 Barrington St, Madison Heights, MI 48071 Size: 708 SF
26359 Barrington St Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 2647853
26359 Barrington St, Madison Heights, MI 48071
552 E Hudson Ave Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 2647854
552 E Hudson Ave, Madison Heights, MI 48071
27726 Brush St Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 2635813
27726 Brush St, Madison Heights, MI 48071 Size: 1,036 SF
637 W Kalama Ave Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 2635814
637 W Kalama Ave, Madison Heights, MI 48071 Size: 1,067 SF
1271 E Rowland Ave Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 2442662
1271 E Rowland Ave, Madison Heights, MI 48071 Size: 1,113 SF
26130 Palmer Blvd Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 2392916
26130 Palmer Blvd, Madison Heights, MI 48071 Size: 776 SF
No photo available - Image 17
977 Marie Lane, Madison Heights, MI 48071 Size: 784 SF
26138 Barrington St Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 2473681
26138 Barrington St, Madison Heights, MI 48071
255 Royal Park Ln Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 2473682
255 Royal Park Ln, Madison Heights, MI 48071 Size: 1,358 SF
27338 Barrington St Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 2473680
27338 Barrington St, Madison Heights, MI 48071 Size: 1,072 SF
27612 Brettonwoods St Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 2473679
27612 Brettonwoods St, Madison Heights, MI 48071 Size: 827 SF
1938 Englewood Ave Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 2473677
1938 Englewood Ave, Madison Heights, MI 48071
26754 Palmer Blvd Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 2473678
26754 Palmer Blvd, Madison Heights, MI 48071
28712 Groveland St Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 1117466
28712 Groveland St, Madison Heights, MI 48071 Size: 877 SF
27361 Barrington St Madison Heights, MI 48071 - Image 1117467
27361 Barrington St, Madison Heights, MI 48071 Size: 1,080 SF

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