30553 Lavonia Georgia Foreclosed Homes and Cheap homes for sale

Find bank foreclosed homes, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 30553 Lavonia Georgia foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. HUD maintains an extensive database of listings of recent 30553 Lavonia Georgia foreclosure properties. Find bank foreclosed homes, pre foreclosure listings, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 30553 Lavonia Georgia foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. There are many pre foreclosure listings in 30553 Lavonia Georgia which give home buyers an opportunity to identify discounted property even before they are formally listed for sale.
98 results found
1563 Smith Road Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 10741025
1563 Smith Road, Lavonia, GA 30553
530 Normandy Trail Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 10741027
530 Normandy Trail, Lavonia, GA 30553
664 Whippoorwill Circle Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 7615832
664 Whippoorwill Circle, Lavonia, GA 30553 Size: 3,464 SF
0 Brookwood Drive Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 8789573
0 Brookwood Drive, Lavonia, GA 30553
57 Bow Ln Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 11516220
57 Bow Ln, Lavonia, GA 30553
130 Gumlog Drive Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 5844497
130 Gumlog Drive, Lavonia, GA 30553
103 Rue Saint Joan Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 7615829
103 Rue Saint Joan, Lavonia, GA 30553 Size: 2,107 SF
657 Loreau Trail Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 11960516
657 Loreau Trail, Lavonia, GA 30553
76 Ansley Drive Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 10134991
76 Ansley Drive, Lavonia, GA 30553
460 Gumlog Drive Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 10279271
460 Gumlog Drive, Lavonia, GA 30553 Size: 1,056 SF
278 Knotts Landing Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 5844495
278 Knotts Landing, Lavonia, GA 30553
64 Rue Fleur De Lis Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 9636267
64 Rue Fleur De Lis, Lavonia, GA 30553 Size: 1,274 SF
183 Bradford Place Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 9636268
183 Bradford Place, Lavonia, GA 30553 Size: 2,880 SF
No photo available - Image 17
76 Ansley Drive, Lavonia, GA 30553
188 Tugaloo Heights Circle Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 7615831
188 Tugaloo Heights Circle, Lavonia, GA 30553
620 Tugaloo Heights Lavonia, GA 30553 - Image 6984100
620 Tugaloo Heights, Lavonia, GA 30553

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