93501 Mojave California Foreclosed Homes and Cheap homes for sale

Find bank foreclosed homes, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 93501 Mojave California foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. HUD maintains an extensive database of listings of recent 93501 Mojave California foreclosure properties. Find bank foreclosed homes, pre foreclosure listings, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 93501 Mojave California foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. There are many pre foreclosure listings in 93501 Mojave California which give home buyers an opportunity to identify discounted property even before they are formally listed for sale.
46 results found
9201 Shirley St Mojave, CA 93501 - Image 11011077
9201 Shirley St, Mojave, CA 93501 Size: 2,047 SF
No photo available - Image 17
Highway 58, Mojave, CA 93501
Highway 58, lot 08 Mojave, CA 93501 - Image 9605916
Highway 58, lot 08, Mojave, CA 93501
9275 shirley st Mojave, CA 93501 - Image 9605917
9275 shirley st, Mojave, CA 93501 Size: 2,932 SF
No photo available - Image 17
2321 Shasta St, Mojave, CA 93501 Size: 1,578 SF
15th St. Mojave, CA 93501 - Image 9605918
15th St., Mojave, CA 93501
No photo available - Image 17
Hwy 14 & 58 Fwy, Mojave, CA 93501
26361 Olanche St Mojave, CA 93501 - Image 9605920
26361 Olanche St, Mojave, CA 93501 Size: 1,525 SF
Oak Creek Rd, lot 00 Mojave, CA 93501 - Image 9605919
Oak Creek Rd, lot 00, Mojave, CA 93501
10640 Division St Mojave, CA 93501 - Image 9633816
10640 Division St, Mojave, CA 93501 Size: 1,296 SF
6328 Sonoma Avenue Mojave, CA 93501 - Image 9633815
6328 Sonoma Avenue, Mojave, CA 93501 Size: 1,540 SF
10580 Bob St Mojave, CA 93501 - Image 9633817
10580 Bob St, Mojave, CA 93501 Size: 960 SF
Vacant Land Lot #24 Mojave, CA 93501 - Image 9633820
Vacant Land Lot #24, Mojave, CA 93501
Vacant Land Lot #25 Mojave, CA 93501 - Image 9633819
Vacant Land Lot #25, Mojave, CA 93501
Vacant Land Lot #26 Mojave, CA 93501 - Image 9633818
Vacant Land Lot #26, Mojave, CA 93501
APN# 3451911759th St & Gerber Ave Mojave, CA 93501 - Image 9633821
APN# 3451911759th St & Gerber Ave, Mojave, CA 93501

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