90305 Inglewood California Foreclosed Homes and Cheap homes for sale

Find bank foreclosed homes, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 90305 Inglewood California foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. HUD maintains an extensive database of listings of recent 90305 Inglewood California foreclosure properties. Find bank foreclosed homes, pre foreclosure listings, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 90305 Inglewood California foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. There are many pre foreclosure listings in 90305 Inglewood California which give home buyers an opportunity to identify discounted property even before they are formally listed for sale.
11 results found
No photo available - Image 17
4932 W 99th St, Inglewood, CA 90305 Size: 1,828 SF
440 Edgewood St Inglewood, CA 90305 - Image 9996584
440 Edgewood St, Inglewood, CA 90305 Size: 1,774 SF
No photo available - Image 17
9410 S 2nd Ave, Inglewood, CA 90305 Size: 2,800 SF
2229 77th Stret Inglewood, CA 90305 - Image 3815472
2229 77th Stret, Inglewood, CA 90305 Size: 101 SF
9400 S 3rd St Inglewood, CA 90305 - Image 3815471
9400 S 3rd St, Inglewood, CA 90305 Size: 1,103 SF
No photo available - Image 17
9410 S 2nd Ave, Inglewood, CA 90305 Size: 2,800 SF
3500 W Manchester Blvd #204 Inglewood, CA 90305 - Image 2563693
3500 W Manchester Blvd #204, Inglewood, CA 90305
3627 Medici Lane Inglewood, CA 90305 - Image 2563695
3627 Medici Lane, Inglewood, CA 90305
3500 W Manchester Blvd Unit 187 Inglewood, CA 90305 - Image 2563697
3500 W Manchester Blvd Unit 187, Inglewood, CA 90305
3500 W Manchester Blvd Unit 85 Inglewood, CA 90305 - Image 2563698
3500 W Manchester Blvd Unit 85, Inglewood, CA 90305
8711 Chessington Dr Unit H Inglewood, CA 90305 - Image 11198564
8711 Chessington Dr Unit H, Inglewood, CA 90305