92346 Highland California Foreclosed Homes and Cheap homes for sale

Find bank foreclosed homes, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 92346 Highland California foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. HUD maintains an extensive database of listings of recent 92346 Highland California foreclosure properties. Find bank foreclosed homes, pre foreclosure listings, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 92346 Highland California foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. There are many pre foreclosure listings in 92346 Highland California which give home buyers an opportunity to identify discounted property even before they are formally listed for sale.
97 results found
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201 Chandler W, Highland, CA 92346
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7459 Shasta Ave, Highland, CA 92346
No photo available - Image 17
Brookings, Highland, CA 92346
6706 Valaria Dr Highland, CA 92346 - Image 2442772
6706 Valaria Dr, Highland, CA 92346
3758 Piedmont Dr Highland, CA 92346 - Image 2893427
3758 Piedmont Dr, Highland, CA 92346
7709 Hillsmere Cir Highland, CA 92346 - Image 2893428
7709 Hillsmere Cir, Highland, CA 92346
27349 Bessant St Highland, CA 92346 - Image 2893430
27349 Bessant St, Highland, CA 92346 Size: 1,144 SF
2631 Holly Vista Boulevard Highland, CA 92346 - Image 2893431
2631 Holly Vista Boulevard, Highland, CA 92346 Size: 1,520 SF
3649 Palm Crest Dr Highland, CA 92346 - Image 2893432
3649 Palm Crest Dr, Highland, CA 92346
28748 Live Oak Rd Highland, CA 92346 - Image 2893433
28748 Live Oak Rd, Highland, CA 92346
No photo available - Image 17
29525 Southwood Ln, Highland, CA 92346 Size: 2,136 SF
27433 Stratford Street Highland, CA 92346 - Image 2893434
27433 Stratford Street, Highland, CA 92346 Size: 1,712 SF
29384 Polo Street Highland, CA 92346 - Image 3290554
29384 Polo Street, Highland, CA 92346 Size: 1,319 SF
7837 Colwyn Avenue Highland, CA 92346 - Image 3290556
7837 Colwyn Avenue, Highland, CA 92346 Size: 1,286 SF
7588 Eucalyptus Drive Highland, CA 92346 - Image 3290557
7588 Eucalyptus Drive, Highland, CA 92346 Size: 1,233 SF
6721 Barnard Ln Highland, CA 92346 - Image 3290561
6721 Barnard Ln, Highland, CA 92346 Size: 2,443 SF

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