90240 Downey California Foreclosed Homes and Cheap homes for sale

Find bank foreclosed homes, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 90240 Downey California foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. HUD maintains an extensive database of listings of recent 90240 Downey California foreclosure properties. Find bank foreclosed homes, pre foreclosure listings, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 90240 Downey California foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. There are many pre foreclosure listings in 90240 Downey California which give home buyers an opportunity to identify discounted property even before they are formally listed for sale.
12 results found
7804 Dinsdale Street Downey, CA 90240 - Image 16083611
7804 Dinsdale Street, Downey, CA 90240
8239 Blandwood Road Downey, CA 90240 - Image 16083612
8239 Blandwood Road, Downey, CA 90240
9037 Cord Ave Downey, CA 90240 - Image 2891344
9037 Cord Ave, Downey, CA 90240
8327 Vista Del Rosa St Downey, CA 90240 - Image 2891345
8327 Vista Del Rosa St, Downey, CA 90240
7827 Birchcrest Rd Downey, CA 90240 - Image 790974
7827 Birchcrest Rd, Downey, CA 90240
9125 Otto Street Downey, CA 90240 - Image 2891347
9125 Otto Street, Downey, CA 90240
9129 Haledon Ave Downey, CA 90240 - Image 2891354
9129 Haledon Ave, Downey, CA 90240
8322 Telegraph Rd Downey, CA 90240 - Image 2891355
8322 Telegraph Rd, Downey, CA 90240 Size: 1,866 SF
8030 -8032 Leeds St. Downey, CA 90240 - Image 3235612
8030 -8032 Leeds St., Downey, CA 90240
8048 Lubec Street Downey, CA 90240 - Image 3235613
8048 Lubec Street, Downey, CA 90240
9641 Wiley Burke Avenue Downey, CA 90240 - Image 3235615
9641 Wiley Burke Avenue, Downey, CA 90240
8510 Tweedy Ln Downey, CA 90240 - Image 3235617
8510 Tweedy Ln, Downey, CA 90240 Size: 1,177 SF