85348 Salome Arizona Foreclosed Homes and Cheap homes for sale

Find bank foreclosed homes, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 85348 Salome Arizona foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. HUD maintains an extensive database of listings of recent 85348 Salome Arizona foreclosure properties. Find bank foreclosed homes, pre foreclosure listings, cheap homes for sale and other kinds of 85348 Salome Arizona foreclosure listings here. When you search for low cost or discounted housing it must include foreclosed homes. There are many pre foreclosure listings in 85348 Salome Arizona which give home buyers an opportunity to identify discounted property even before they are formally listed for sale.
13 results found
39912 Nevada Pl Salome, AZ 85348 - Image 17538098
39912 Nevada Pl, Salome, AZ 85348
40210 Ola Street Salome, AZ 85348 - Image 9365376
40210 Ola Street, Salome, AZ 85348
lot B2 N Washburn Way Salome, AZ 85348 - Image 9365375
lot B2 N Washburn Way, Salome, AZ 85348
67661 Alpine -- Salome, AZ 85348 - Image 9365377
67661 Alpine --, Salome, AZ 85348 Size: 200 SF
66588 W INDIAN HILLS Way Salome, AZ 85348 - Image 9365372
66588 W INDIAN HILLS Way, Salome, AZ 85348 Size: 1,800 SF
No photo available - Image 17
67673 Alpine Drive, Salome, AZ 85348 Size: 1,040 SF
No photo available - Image 17
51250 E 76 E Avenue, Salome, AZ 85348 Size: 800 SF
67539 ALPINE Drive Salome, AZ 85348 - Image 9365374
67539 ALPINE Drive, Salome, AZ 85348 Size: 1,180 SF
65308 S BONANZA Lane Salome, AZ 85348 - Image 8810540
65308 S BONANZA Lane, Salome, AZ 85348
66632 E INDIAN HILLS Way Salome, AZ 85348 - Image 9365373
66632 E INDIAN HILLS Way, Salome, AZ 85348 Size: 3,600 SF
64650 Harcuvar Drive Salome, AZ 85348 - Image 8701601
64650 Harcuvar Drive, Salome, AZ 85348
39281 Avenue 61 1 2 East Salome, AZ 85348 - Image 7804004
39281 Avenue 61 1 2 East, Salome, AZ 85348
39968 Washington Dr Salome, AZ 85348 - Image 4148733
39968 Washington Dr, Salome, AZ 85348