11881 Patterson Rd., Titusville, PA 16354
Commercial property for sale

11881 Patterson Rd., Titusville, PA 16354
- Description
- Ideal use-storage area, internet business, antique cars, rental space, or possibly condos (buyer's responsibility to get their specific use twsp approved). Current use office/warehouse. Almost 11000 sq ft of quality construction. Built in 2002 & 2004. 1st bldg has office, GFA furnace, 1/2 bath & loft. 2nd bldg has 1/2 bath, w/b stove, h/w heater, & s/s sink. Both have raised slab & vapor barrier foundation to assure dryness, fully insulated/heated, metal roof, telephone sys, 3 OH doors, 4-6" wire reinforced conc slab floor, new well 08. Surveyed 2.68 acres. Building price details: $188,000.
- Property Details
Property Type: Industrial Use Types: Flex Space, Manufacturing, Mixed Use, Self Storage, Warehouse/Distribution, Other Status: Available MSA: Meadville Zoning: A-1 Buildings: 1 Terms: Cash to Seller, Purchase Money Mortgage, Owner Financing Added: 06/13/2012 Last Update: 07/06/2013 - Contact info
Linda A Peters: 814-337-6000 [Office] ERA Richmond Real Estate Service
- Note
Details Info about this row that located on 11881 Patterson Rd., Titusville, PA 16354 was got from trusty sources, but All Foreclosures Homes can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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