1221 Lynn Garden Drive, Kingsport, TN 37665
Commercial property for sale

1221 Lynn Garden Drive, Kingsport, TN 37665
- Description
- Nice commercial property consisting of 5,300 sq ft of bank building and separate drive-thru/office building on 1.05 acres fronting Lynn Garden Drive. Property can be accessed via Lynn Garden Drive or Walker Street. Large paved parking area to side and rear of building. Good location in established Kingsport neighborhood with 20,000 cars per day passing this property daily. Sunoco c-store next door, Subway across the street and Pal's just down the block. Ideal for insurance, engineering, financial or other professional service business. Property also for lease, see separate listing. Building price details: $800,000.
- Property Details
Property Type: Office Use Types: Institutional, Mixed Use, Office Building Status: Available MSA: Kingsport-Bristol-Bristol Buildings: 1 Terms: Cash to Seller Added: 01/17/2013 Last Update: 05/30/2013 - Contact info
Gary Sproles: 423-230-0255 [Office] TCI Group - Jerry Petzoldt Agency, LLC
- Note
Details Info about this row that located on 1221 Lynn Garden Drive, Kingsport, TN 37665 was got from trusty sources, but All Foreclosures Homes can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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