301-345 Vertin Blvd, Shorewood, IL 60404
Commercial property for sale

301-345 Vertin Blvd, Shorewood, IL 60404
- Description
- 30,000 square foot multi-tenant retail center consisting of two buildings, located near the high traffic stoplight intersection of Route 59 and Vertin. Built in 2005, this strip center is currently divided into eleven (11) separate units. Each retail unit has its own street frontage, signage, and front & rear entries. Building 1 consists of approximately 10,000 square feet currently divided into five spaces. Building 2 consists of the remaining 20,000 square feet, and is currently divided into five spaces. There is one 2,500 square foot unit that has yet to be finished. Each unit has private rest room facilities. This strip retail center is in excellent condition and benefits from its high quality, attractive construction. The subject property in close proximity to a number of different national retailers. List price is $2,675,000 with an Opening Bid of $1,500,000 if no offer received prior to auction on 8/24/13. Call for details.
- Property Details
Property Type: Retail Use Types: Strip Center Status: Available Price: $ 1,500,000 MSA: Chicago-Joliet-Naperville Buildings: 1 Tenancy: Multiple Tenants Terms: Cash to Seller Added: 05/23/2013 Last Update: 09/03/2013 - Contact info
Wade T Micoley: 866-344-2108 [Office] Micoley & Company
- Note
Details Info about this row that located on 301-345 Vertin Blvd, Shorewood, IL 60404 was got from trusty sources, but All Foreclosures Homes can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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