1 Parker Place, Janesville, WI 53545
Commercial property for lease

1 Parker Place, Janesville, WI 53545
- Description
- One Parker Place is located in the professional business center in downtown Janesville. The building is located on a rising slope, giving it an excellent vista to the west as well as making it very visible from vantage points throughout the community. The building is ramped at the main entrance and has three elevators including a freight elevator and loading dock. Each floor contains public restrooms. The professional office space available is located on the sixth floor and offers maximum flexibility. It features three executive level offices, a large and small conference room and kitchenette. Currently the floor plan is set up with twenty-six cubicles. Six with a window view.
- Property Details
Property Type: Office Use Types: Office Building Status: Available Year Built: 1921 MSA: Janesville Buildings: 1 Added: 05/22/2013 Last Update: 08/20/2013 - Exterior Features
Parking: Yes -
Spaces Available
Space 1
Space Available: 5,275 SF Rental Rate: $10.00 SF/Year Lease Type: NNN Min Divisible: 5,275 SF Max Contiguous: 5,275 SF Occupancy: Vacant Added Date: 24 May, 2013 - Contact info
Send Email: 608-752-6325 [Office]
- Note
Details Info about this row that located on 1 Parker Place, Janesville, WI 53545 was got from trusty sources, but All Foreclosures Homes can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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