311 Calderwood St, Alcoa, TN 37701
Commercial property for sale

311 Calderwood St, Alcoa, TN 37701
- Description
- The property is located in the central business district of Alcoa. Nearby properties consist of other retailers, fast food dining establishments, banks and smaller office complexes. As of 2009, Alcoa had a population of 8,449 residents and Maryville had 27,465 residents. Property is just about 15 minutes from the major city of Knoxville, and Alcoa is the home to McGhee Tyson Airport, which is the largest airport servicing Knoxville area. Building price details: $650,000.
- Property Details
Building Name: Automotive Tire Store and Garage Property Type: Retail Use Types: Vehicle Related Status: Available Price: $ 41 +/SF Number of Stories: 2 Year Built: 1965 MSA: Knoxville Zoning: General Business E Buildings: 1 Construction: Steel Frame, Concrete, Metal Siding Terms: Cash to Seller Added: 11/07/2011 - Contact info
- 865-856-5361 [Office]
- Note
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