11300-11330 Maple Brook Drive, Louisville, KY 40241
Commercial property for lease

11300-11330 Maple Brook Drive, Louisville, KY 40241
- Description
- Highly sought after area in north east Louisville with strong demographics. Chamberlain Plaza offers great opportunities for retail/office and service users. Good for medical or dental office, staffing company, nail salon or medical supply business. Located in Northeast Louisville with an abundance of new homes, patio homes and apartments in the area. Center located across from Super WalMart. New medical complexes being developed two miles north (Norton Hospital) and two miles south of center (Baptist and Jewish). Available space sizes are two 1,470 sf units and a 3,860 sf unit.
- Property Details
Property Type: Retail Use Types: Shopping Center, Office Status: Available Number of Stories: 1 Year Built: 2000 Submarket: Suburban MSA: Louisville-Jefferson County Zoning: C-1 Buildings: 1 Tenancy: Multiple Tenants Construction: Brick Added: 01/06/2012 Last Update: 04/19/2012 -
Spaces Available
Space 1
Space Available: 1,470 SF Rental Rate: $13.00 SF/Year Lease Type: NNN Min Divisible: 1,470 SF Max Contiguous: 1,470 SF Occupancy: Vacant Added Date: 23 May, 2013 Space 2
Space Available: 1,470 SF Rental Rate: $13.00 SF/Year Lease Type: NNN Min Divisible: 1,470 SF Max Contiguous: 1,470 SF Occupancy: Vacant Added Date: 23 May, 2013 Space 3
Space Available: 3,860 SF Rental Rate: $13.00 SF/Year Lease Type: NNN Min Divisible: 3,860 SF Max Contiguous: 3,860 SF Occupancy: Vacant Added Date: 23 May, 2013 - Contact info
- 502-379-6000 [Office]
- Note
Details Info about this row that located on 11300-11330 Maple Brook Drive, Louisville, KY 40241 was got from trusty sources, but All Foreclosures Homes can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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