40 Winter, Manchester, NH 03102
Commercial property for sale

40 Winter, Manchester, NH 03102
- Description
- Manchester Contractor Yard + Building for sale. Superior highway access inside B-2 zone. Large fenced 1 Acre yard good for vehicle + equipment storage. Three high bay heated garages w/professional office space 1,700 SF. B-2 zone allows for a variety of uses: Automotive, Taxi, Limousine, Garage, warehouse, storage, distribution, telecom, essential public services, furniture, convenience retail uses, grocery, deli, drug, sale of general goods, restaurant, night clubs, drive through service, banking, professional, medical, gym, indoor health fitness, laundry cleaning services, photography, self-storage, funeral, vehicle sales, vehicle rental, auto repair, car wash, parking lot, parking garage, ambulance service, church. Property has been site of well know area Contractor for many years whose business Growth required more space. Owner will consider Long term lease or sale. Building price details: $349,000.
- Property Details
Property Type: Industrial Use Types: Warehouse/Distribution, General Status: Available Price: $ 64 +/SF Year Built: 1957 MSA: Manchester-Nashua Zoning: B-2 General Busiiness Buildings: 1 Terms: Cash to Seller, Other Added: 08/02/2012 Last Update: 09/22/2012 - Exterior Features
Parking: Yes - Contact info
- 603-836-2700 [Office]
- Note
Details Info about this row that located on 40 Winter, Manchester, NH 03102 was got from trusty sources, but All Foreclosures Homes can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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