2108 Victor Pl, Colorado Springs, CO 80915
Commercial property for lease

- Description
- See the property video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzR2tM7SH8I2108-2110 Victor Place is an 11,000 strategically located, industrial warehouse property with PIP 2 zoning. The building is demised in to 6,400, and 4,700 ft. spaces. The larger space is month to month and can be available in 30 days, with perhaps some flexibility. The smaller space is leased until April 30, 2014. The smaller tenant has indicated they plan to continue- but they do not have any options.This building is very well-located. It is steps to Powers, and is centrally located along Powers between Constitution and Palmer Park.Each space has office build out. The 6,400 ft. space has approximately 950 ft. with 3 offices and a reception area, and new carpet and paint.The 4,700 ft. space has approximately 450 ft. of simple office/reception.Both units have a securely fenced yard behind the building accessed by a 12 ft. overhead door in the smaller space, and an over-sized (15ft.?) door in the larger space. There are NO dock high doors.This property is perfect for an owner-user who may be interested in SBA financing. The owner can occupy the larger space and lease the other side for cash flow.***Seller is a real estate broker in the State of Colorado***
- Property Details
Property Type: Industrial Use Types: Free-Standing, Light Industrial, Warehouse/Distribution, Other Status: MSA: Colorado Springs Zoning: PIP2 AO Buildings: 1 Tenancy: Multiple Tenants Added: 05/13/2013 Last Update: 09/11/2013 -
Spaces Available
Space 1
Space Available: 6,400 SF Rental Rate: $5.95 SF/Year Lease Type: NNN Min Divisible: 6,400 SF Max Contiguous: 6,400 SF Occupancy: Occupied Added Date: 15 May, 2013 - Note
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