1834 W Muhammad Ali Blvd., Louisville, KY 40203
Commercial property for sale

1834 W Muhammad Ali Blvd., Louisville, KY 40203
- Description
- Property consists of 2 buildings. 1834 W Muhammad Ali Blvd has 11 units with 11,684 SF and a mix of four 2 bedrooms (1,150 SF each) and six 3 bedrooms (1,200 SF each). 2001 W Muhammad Ali Blvd has 3 units with 3,780 SF of three 3 bedrooms (1,200 SF each). They are a block apart and both on highly visible corners. Solid brick construction. Gross rents are $99,192 annually or $8,266 monthly. 2 BR's currently renting for $539/mo. and 3 BR's for $619/mo. Property was renovated under the LIHTC program in 1997 with all units separately metered for gas & electric. Building price details: $385,000.
- Property Details
Property Type: Multifamily Use Types: Low-Rise/Garden Status: Available Price: $ 27,500 +/Unit Number of Stories: 2 Year Renovated: 1997 MSA: Louisville-Jefferson County Buildings: 2 Construction: Brick Terms: Cash to Seller Added: 06/29/2012 Last Update: 12/19/2012 - Contact info
- 502-896-1900 [Office]
- Note
Details Info about this row that located on 1834 W Muhammad Ali Blvd., Louisville, KY 40203 was got from trusty sources, but All Foreclosures Homes can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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