4925 Hooper Hwy, Cosby, TN 37722
Commercial property for sale

4925 Hooper Hwy, Cosby, TN 37722
- Description
- Turn Key Restaurant fully stocked and equipped. 3200 sq. ft. commercial building completely renovated and recently used as an established CountryRestaurant & Antiques/Collectable Store. Over 400' frontage on a primary route from I-40 to Gatlinburg, TN ,just 12 minutes away from Gatlinbug and near the entrance of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Endless opportunities and options for suitable businesses, General Retail, Antique Mall, Arts &Crafts, Retreats, Church, Country Restaurant. Auction House, Apartment, Auto Service, Bed/Breakfast, Convenience Store, Veterinarian, Manufacturing/Industrial, Medical/Dental, Office, Warehouse or Child Care to name a few. Additional 10' X16' High-Wall Insulated storage building,wired for electricity. Utilitywater and wired for cable and Internet. Fantastic investment opportunity to own and operate your own business or lease the property to a business owner.Beautiful grounds with park-like setting and mountain view. Must see to appreciate..........There is a 1232 sq ft 2BR/2BA home on adjacent property that seller would sell as a package. Building price details: $162,500.
- Property Details
Property Type: Retail Use Types: Free-Standing Building, Restaurant Status: Available Price: $ 49 +/SF Number of Stories: 1 Year Built: 1988 MSA: Newport Buildings: 2 Construction: Wood Frame, Wood Siding Terms: Cash to Seller Added: 02/09/2012 Last Update: 12/29/2012 - Contact info
- 865-691-8195 [Office]
- Note
Details Info about this row that located on 4925 Hooper Hwy, Cosby, TN 37722 was got from trusty sources, but All Foreclosures Homes can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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